Wednesday, 3 October 2012


This is basically a post all about my adventures of moving down to Falmouth, Cornwall for university
(No art related stuff for this one)
Okay, so I have finally made it to uni!
The first few days where all about taking in the fabulous Cornish culture and settling in to my new flat :)
The journey down was pretty good! My Mum and Aunty took me down along with all my rubbish I had to take. Seven hours in a car where I couldn't even put my feet down because there was not enough room in the boot of the car so Mum had to pack things around me HAHA!
Day One
Got there and settled in, unpacked and got to know my flat mates. Little did we know we are sharing out side light with a family of little birds. They just sit on the side of the light all day and watch you when you go in and out hehe they are pretty sweet !
My new flat mates!!
Day Two
So the next day I finished unpacking and then went to explore the town. Its so beautiful with all the pretty shops, cafes, harbour, boats and most importantly the pub are awesome !!
Progress of my picture wall haha !!
The Harbour
 This day was a day of many firsts for me...
1st Pint of Cornish Cider (Warning: Don't drink to much its lethal)!
Speaking from experience haha Shh...
1st Cornish Pasty !! mmmmmm
1st Cornish Cream Tea
And Mum demonstrating how to make the perfect cream tea
 And finally my 1st tattoo haha !! Ooops!!
 Day Three
We went for a little trip down to lands end (since I'm only living 45-50 mins away)!

  And then the next day uni started so it was good bye drinks with Mum and Aunty Hayley
I cant wait to get started properly!

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